
I love to write about tech, software, and life.

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    Iterators and Generators


    Are you satisfied with your code? if yes never do that because nothing is perfect so have a look and see whether you are consuming more memory, extra processing or even more lines of code which can be avoided, do that favour to your code because “Iterators and Generators” are going to help you.

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    Basics of MetaProgramming


    Before going to have practical examples and usage of meta programming first we understand what is meta programming? The answer to this question lies in the word ‘meta’. We have heard the word meta data that is ‘data about data’. In a similar way, meta programming is actually programming about/for programming or you can say it is the code that manipulates code.

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    Ant Design Amplify Components

    antdant designamplifyreact

    Amplify is an Aws library which makes it easy for you to manage authentication, storage, api, analytics and more in browser on client side. They provide a React components library aws-amplify-react for Authentication which includes all comoponents like SiginIn, SignOut, ConfirmSignUp etc.

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    This article is continuation of [Ant Design Live Theme]( and it explains how we can achieve dynamic theming using Ant Design (less) with webpack. I’ve created a webpack plugin which will be used to process Ant Design’s styles and your custom styles to create a colors specific less file color.less to change colors in browser.

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    Amplify is an Aws library which makes it easy for you to manage authentication, storage, api, analytics and more in browser on client side. They provide a React components library aws-amplify-react for Authentication which includes all comoponents like SiginIn, SignOut, ConfirmSignUp etc.

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    Handling Errors for Flask Restful API


    Flask provides an effective method for managing application-specific and common errors by registering error handlers for different errors and exceptions. Unfortunately, the Flask-RESTful extension does not support error handling in non-debug mode (i.e., when In this article, we will explore a scenario to gain a better understanding of the issue and then implement a workaround to handle our application-specific errors.